Dear Christians

Hello everyone, Michaela Skelley here and you're listening to the first episode of Dear Christians: Covid Edition.   

I would like to preface this video by saying that I too am a Christian and I hold the Bible in the highest regard. For quite some time I have remained quiet on the subject, but as we enter into our second year of this pandemic I have a few things to say about the Black Lives Matter protests, the Covid Vaccine, and just generally how Christians have been dealing with this pandemic. If you're not a Christian you can click out of this video but if you call yourself a Christian, especially an Evangelical, I urge you to stay. 

Dear Christians, the fact that you cannot gather at 100% capacity in your churches is not persecution. When Jesus died on the cross for you, that was persecution. All the people in other countries who cannot gather publicly at church at all because they could be killed because it's against the law, that's persecution. Do not compare yourself to those other countries where it is illegal to gather. That is not because of COVID, that is because they do not have 1st amendment rights. 

Dear Christians, wear your mask, over your nose. It is not being “fearful” because you are abiding by the law. God gave us wisdom to do what is right not so we cannot be stupid and use his words out of context. You cannot keep citing the scripture “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of peace and a sound mind” while ignoring how Romans 13 tells us to obey the government. Philippians 2: 3-4 says “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” So, love thy neighbor, wear your mask, and get vaccinated. 

Wondering what the Covid Vaccine and E -Z pass have in common? Neither of them is the mark of the beast.

Wondering what the Covid Vaccine and E -Z pass have in common? Neither of them is the mark of the beast.

Speaking of the vaccination. Dear Christians, get the Covid Vaccine. It is not the mark of the beast. Just the same way that easy pass was never the mark of the beast. Also, reminder once again, it's not persecution if you're not allowed to do things or go places because you're not vaccinated. And it's also not a sign of the end times. 

Dear Christians, who kept insisting on saying all lives matter during times of extreme tragedy after the murders of black people like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. When somebody says black lives matter it is in no way saying that any other lives do not matter. White lives do not need to be validated; they have been validated for the beginning of time. White Christians, once again, stop trying to act like you're being persecuted. Be like Jesus. Jesus would have been at the Black Lives Matter protests. Stop just being religious people and love others radically like Jesus did on Earth. Jesus was literally killed by the religious people of that time for that reason. Oh, and by the way just a reminder that Jesus was not white and he was also not wealthy and this Bible that you read has zero white people in it.

WARNING, BEFORE YOU READ: all the people who are written about in this book and wrote this book are not white.

WARNING, BEFORE YOU READ: all the people who are written about in this book and wrote this book are not white.

Dear Christians if critical race theory threatens your Christianity you may be worshiping whiteness. Your refusal to acknowledge the damage that the church has contributed in many ways to racism is not bringing people to Christ it is only deterring people from Him. 

Dear Christians, please read this book and actually understand what Marxism is. Spoiler Alert, we do not live in a Marxist society.

Dear Christians, please read this book and actually understand what Marxism is. Spoiler Alert, we do not live in a Marxist society.

Dear Christians, please learn the real definition of Marxism. Not everything is a Marxist ideology. Idk maybe actually read the Communist Manifesto. Also, I don't know why this is so hard to understand but you do not need to be a Republican and be a Christian. If Jesus was on this Earth right now, he would not prescribe to any political party but the reality is if Jesus was alive right now he probably would not be a right winger. Your blind loyalty to the Republican party is scary. 

Dear MAGA Christians, the election was not fraud. Just like you kept saying that we needed to respect and honor our president when former president Donald Trump was in office is the same thing that you need to do right now under the Biden administration. Keep that same energy and stop trying to be Facebook Warriors on the internet. Think about how your behavior is glorifying God because the answer is making fun of President Biden because you think he has dementia is not it.

Dear Christians stop saying that cancel culture is so toxic and that it is so sad that you cannot have a different opinion than somebody else without them cancelling you while seemingly cancelling everyone in the world who does not agree with you. Maybe you're the toxic one. 

And finally Dear Christians please start acting a little more Christian. Above all we are meant to love people unconditionally the way that Jesus did when he was on earth and the way that God loves us despite all the mistakes that we made continuously. You are not above anybody else you are not above approach. How are we supposed to be a witness to other people and show them who God is when we don't even act like him. Galatians 6 says “if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.” As Christians we're meant to make each other accountable. 

I could go on and on and on but I don't want to get too crazy for our first episode here. So, for now, shout out to all my fellow radicals who believe that Christians need to do better. I’m Michaela Skelley and you just listened to our first episode of Dear Christians. I'll talk to you next week and hopefully by then you all have more of your lives together. Bye.


For John Taylor


Invisible Intruder